// Inline form editing // Hide the label and allow the field to take the full width div.DTE_Inline { position: relative; display: table; width: 100%; div.DTE_Inline_Field, div.DTE_Inline_Buttons { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; div.DTE_Field { padding: 0; >label { display: none; } } div.DTE_Form_Buttons button { margin: -6px 0 -6px 4px; padding: 5px; } } // Have the input types take up full space, taking into account the cell padding div.DTE_Field input[type="color"], div.DTE_Field input[type="date"], div.DTE_Field input[type="datetime"], div.DTE_Field input[type="datetime-local"], div.DTE_Field input[type="email"], div.DTE_Field input[type="month"], div.DTE_Field input[type="number"], div.DTE_Field input[type="password"], div.DTE_Field input[type="search"], div.DTE_Field input[type="tel"], div.DTE_Field input[type="text"], div.DTE_Field input[type="time"], div.DTE_Field input[type="url"], div.DTE_Field input[type="week"] { margin: -6px 0; } &.DTE_Processing:after { position: absolute; content: ' '; display: block; top: 4px; right: 10px; height: 12px; width: 17px; background: url('../images/ajax-loader-small.gif') no-repeat top left; } } // Responsive integration span.dtr-data div.DTE_Inline { display: inline-table; }