msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Admin-Management-Xtended CZ\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2008-06-22 21:28+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-05\n" "Last-Translator: Pepawo \n" "Language-Team: Pepawo \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n" "X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: ..\n" ": " #: admin-management-xtended.php:222 msgid "Admin Management Xtended requires at least WordPress 2.5!" msgstr "Admin Management Xtended vyžaduje minimálně WordPress 2.5!" #: admin-management-xtended.php:246 msgid "You seem using the Better Tags Manager plugin, which collides with the Admin Management Xtended plugin since both extend the tags column. Please deactivate one of both to make this message disappear." msgstr "Zřejmě používáte plugin Better Tags Manager, který koliduje s pluginem Admin Management Xtended, protože oba rozšiřují sloupec štítků. Deaktivujte jeden z nich a toto hlášení zmizí." #: admin-management-xtended.php:246 msgid "(This message was created by Admin Management Xtended plugin)" msgstr "(tato zpráva byla vytvořena Admin Management Xtended pluginem)" #: general-functions.php:166 #: general-functions.php:166 #: general-functions.php:170 #: general-functions.php:170 #: page-functions.php:92 #: page-functions.php:92 #: page-functions.php:92 #: post-functions.php:209 #: post-functions.php:209 msgid "Toggle comment status open/closed" msgstr "Přepnutí stavu komentování" #: general-functions.php:224 #: post-functions.php:70 msgid "No Tags" msgstr "Žádné štítky" #: general-functions.php:261 #: post-functions.php:128 msgid "Uncategorized" msgstr "Nezařazené" #: general-functions.php:710 msgid "Post" msgstr "Příspěvek" #: general-functions.php:328 #: general-functions.php:369 #: general-functions.php:710 #: link-functions.php:118 #: post-functions.php:143 msgid "Save" msgstr "Uložit" #: general-functions.php:328 #: general-functions.php:369 #: general-functions.php:710 #: link-functions.php:118 #: post-functions.php:143 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Storno" #: general-functions.php:474 #: general-functions.php:483 msgid "Y/m/d" msgstr "j. n. Y" #: general-functions.php:513 #: general-functions.php:513 #: general-functions.php:518 #: general-functions.php:518 #: link-functions.php:62 #: link-functions.php:62 #: page-functions.php:79 #: page-functions.php:79 #: page-functions.php:82 #: page-functions.php:82 #: post-functions.php:196 #: post-functions.php:196 #: post-functions.php:199 #: post-functions.php:199 msgid "Toggle visibility" msgstr "Přepnout viditelnost" #: general-functions.php:649 #: general-functions.php:655 #: general-functions.php:661 msgid "Edit Page Order:" msgstr "Upravit pořadí stránek:" #: general-functions.php:649 #: general-functions.php:655 #: general-functions.php:661 msgid "Off" msgstr "Vyp." #: general-functions.php:649 #: general-functions.php:655 #: general-functions.php:661 msgid "Direct input" msgstr "Zadáním" #: general-functions.php:649 #: general-functions.php:655 msgid "Drag & Drop" msgstr "Uchop a pusť" #: general-functions.php:670 msgid "Hide invisible Posts" msgstr "Skrýt neviditelné příspěvky" #: general-functions.php:676 msgid "Show invisible Posts" msgstr "Zobrazit neviditelné příspěvky" #: general-functions.php:710 msgid "Please wait..." msgstr "Čekejte..." #: general-functions.php:774 #: general-functions.php:774 msgid "Change image set" msgstr "Změnit sadu ikon" #: link-functions.php:44 #: link-functions.php:82 #: media-functions.php:43 #: media-functions.php:60 #: page-functions.php:43 #: page-functions.php:59 #: post-functions.php:44 #: post-functions.php:101 #: post-functions.php:176 msgid "Enhanced by Admin Management Xtended Plugin" msgstr "Rozšíření pluginem Admin Management Xtended" #: media-functions.php:43 msgid "Media Order" msgstr "Pořadí médií" #: page-functions.php:43 #: post-functions.php:176 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Akce" #: page-functions.php:59 msgid "Page Order" msgstr "Pořadí stránek" #: page-functions.php:85 #: page-functions.php:85 #: post-functions.php:202 #: post-functions.php:202 msgid "Change Publication Date" msgstr "Změnit datum publikace" #: page-functions.php:87 #: page-functions.php:87 msgid "Edit Page Slug" msgstr "Upravit zkrácený název stránky" #: post-functions.php:44 msgid "Tags" msgstr "Štítky" #: link-functions.php:82 #: post-functions.php:101 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Rubriky" #: post-functions.php:204 #: post-functions.php:204 msgid "Edit Post Slug" msgstr "Upravit zkrácený název příspěvku" #: admin-management-xtended.php:234 #, php-format msgid "Admin Management Xtended plugin version 2.0 requires at least WordPress 2.7! If you're still using a WP version prior to 2.7, please use Admin Management Xtended version 1.9.1! Consider updating to the latest WP version for your own safety!" msgstr "Plugin Admin Management Xtended verze 2.0 vyžaduje WordPress 2.7! Pokud stále používáte nižší verzi, použijte Admin Management Xtended verze 1.9.1! Doporučujete aktualizaci na nejnovější verzi WP z důvodu vaší vlastní bezpečnosti!" #: general-functions.php:142 #: general-functions.php:142 #: general-functions.php:142 #: general-functions.php:227 #: general-functions.php:227 #: general-functions.php:227 #: general-functions.php:710 #: link-functions.php:62 #: link-functions.php:111 #: link-functions.php:111 #: link-functions.php:111 #: media-functions.php:99 #: media-functions.php:99 #: media-functions.php:99 #: post-functions.php:75 #: post-functions.php:75 #: post-functions.php:75 #: post-functions.php:150 #: post-functions.php:150 #: post-functions.php:150 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editovat" #: general-functions.php:345 #: general-functions.php:360 msgid "You are not allowed to change the post author as this user." msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění měnit autora příspěvku." #: general-functions.php:348 #: general-functions.php:363 msgid "You are not allowed to change the page author as this user." msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění měnit autora stránky." #: general-functions.php:477 msgid "You are not allowed to edit this post." msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění editovat příspěvek." #: general-functions.php:502 msgid "Sorry, you do not have the right to publish this post." msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění publikovat příspěvek." #: general-functions.php:567 msgid "Change page order" msgstr "Změnit pořadí stránek" #: general-functions.php:661 msgid "Drag & Drop [?]" msgstr "Uchop a pusť [?]" #: general-functions.php:704 msgid "Post Revisions" msgstr "Revize příspěvku" #: general-functions.php:704 msgid "Page Revisions" msgstr "Revize stránky" #: general-functions.php:710 msgid "Slug may not be empty!" msgstr "Zkrácený název nemůže být prázdný!" #: general-functions.php:710 msgid "Insert time" msgstr "Vložit čas" #: link-functions.php:44 msgid "Visible" msgstr "Viditelný" #: link-functions.php:61 #: link-functions.php:142 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ano" #: link-functions.php:61 #: link-functions.php:142 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" #: media-functions.php:60 msgid "Description" msgstr "Popis"