=== Enhanced WP Contact Form === Contributors: joostdevalk Donate link: http://yoast.com/donate/ Tags: contact,seo Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 2.6 stable tag: 2.2.3 Easily add a contact form with spam protection to your pages, and get additional data about your visitors with each e-mail! == Description == Easy contact form, embed it in a post or page by writing the shortcode [wpcf]. Features: * Spam protection. * Shows referrer information for the person contacting you. * Option for user to send himself a copy of the message. More info: * [Enhanced WordPress Contact Form](http://yoast.com/wordpress/enhanced-wordpress-contactform-plugin/). * Read more about [WordPress SEO](http://yoast.com/articles/wordpress-seo/) so you can get the most out of this plugin. * Check out the other [Wordpress plugins](http://yoast.com/wordpress/) by the same author. == Changelog == = 2.2.3 = * Fix for the new security settings in 2.8.1. * Switched to the new Changelog format. * Removed yoast-posts file in favor of simpler WordPress Dashboard widget. = 2.2.2 = * Fix for people on GoDaddy Hosting. = 2.2.1 = * Update for WordPress 2.7 = 2.1 = * Added yoast-posts, dropdown menu icon, settings link, and improved layout. = 2.0 = * Initial version on WordPress.org == Installation == Installation is easy: * Download and unzip the plugin. * Copy the folder to the plugins directory of your blog. * Enable the plugin in your admin panel. * An options panel will appear under Settings. * Enter your settings. * Include a contact form by adding [wpcf] to your page or post.