# Changelog ## 2.1.2 - add `__isset()` to classes that have `__get()` that fixes class behaviours in PHP 7.0.6+ see [error description](https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=71359) ## 2.1.1 - fix `File->op()` ## 2.1.0 - change `File->crop()` and `File->scaleCrop()` behaviou, now they throw exceptions if parameters `$width` or `$height` are 0 or not provided - add `File->getPath()` method - fix `Api->createRemoteCopy()` default behaviour ## 2.0.0 - use latest stable build of version 3 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) - use REST API version 0.5 - update pagination functions for files and groups - add batch files methods: `Api->storeMultipleFiles()` and `Api->deleteMultipleFiles()` - add new copy methods: `Api->createLocalCopy()` and `Api->createRemoteCopy()` - add `Helper->deprecate()` method - change the signature of `Uploader->fromUrl()`, old signature is deprecated but will work until 3.0 - deprecate `File->copy()` and `File->copyTo()` - deprecate `Api->copyFile()` ## 1.5.5 - bump widget version to 2.9.0 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) - add optional "full" argument to Widget->getScriptTag ## 1.5.4 - fix: File in a Group is not loosing default effects (cropping etc.) ## 1.5.3 - bump widget version to 2.8.2 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.5.2 - fix of throttled request exception (thanks to Alexey Scherbakov, https://github.com/lexabug) - fix of pagination logic ## 1.5.1 - add throttled requests handling - add customizable User Agent string - fix upload from url logical bug - bump widget to 2.5.9 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.5.0 - upgrade server api usage to v0.4, add new style pagination support - add FileIterator - change logic of `Api->getFileList()`: it returns FileIterator object instead of array and incoming parameters are now grouped in an array - remove `Api->getFilePaginationInfo()` ## 1.4.1 - change logic of `Api->getGroupList()` and `Api->__getPath()` - fix [#41](https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-php/issues/41) - bump widget version to 2.5.1 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.4.0 - use proper authentication instead of simple - bump widget version to 2.5.0 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.3.4 - add `Api->cdn_protocol` - add `Api->getCdnUri()` - change default CDN protocol to HTTPS ## 1.3.3 - fix `Group->getFiles()` ## 1.3.2 - add `Uploader->createGroup()` - add `Group->updateInfo()` - add Group API tests ## 1.3.1 - fix `Group->store()` - bump widget version to 2.3.5 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.3.0 - **IMPORTANT:** backward incompatible changes in widget behavior introduced in 2.0.0, please read [changelog entry](https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-widget/blob/master/HISTORY.markdown#200-20022015) carefully - bump widget version to 2.3.4 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) - allow CDN URLs in Group constructor ## 1.2.6 - bump widget version to 1.4.6 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) - fix `Api->copyFile()` when copying to custom storage - add `File->copyTo()` shortcut ## 1.2.5 - bump widget version to 1.4.2 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) - add AUTHORS.txt ## 1.2.4 - bump widget version to 1.2.0 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.2.3 - be more explicit on cURL errors ## 1.2.2 - fix sample-project composer file - always write widget's charset - default to sync widget load - add optional $async argument to `Widget->getScriptTag()` ## 1.2.1 - bump widget version to 1.0.1 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.2.0 - bump widget version to 1.0.0 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) major feature is reponsive behavior of widget dialog ## 1.1.3 - allow setting custom CDN host ## 1.1.2 - add preview operation ## 1.1.1 - accept CDN URL in File's constructor - bump widget version to 0.18.3 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.1.0 - drop 5.2 support - fix composer support ## 1.0.9 This is last uploadcare-php version that will support php 5.2. Expect no features added, only bugs fixed. - bump widget version to 0.18.1 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.0.8 - fix file copy request - bump widget version to 0.17.2 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) ## 1.0.7 - support `limit` param in `Api->getFileList()` and `Api->getFilePaginationInfo()` ## 1.0.6 - deprecate `File->file_id`, use `File->uuid` - fix `Api->getFileList()` ## 1.0.5 - bump widget version to 0.17.1 (see [widget changelog][widget changelog]) - fix HEAD requests - allow custom User Agent - prepopulate File with data on `Api->getFileList()` - add Groups API - add `File->copy()` [widget changelog]: https://github.com/uploadcare/uploadcare-widget/blob/master/HISTORY.markdown