Starting utility 'klnagchk'... Checking command line options...OK Initializing basic libraries...OK Current device is 'gcarbonw.italy.itroot.adnet' Network Agent version is '10.5.1781 (a)' Reading the settings...OK Settings verification...OK Network Agent settings: Used profile: 'INTERNO' Administration Server address: '' Use SSL: 1 Compress traffic: 1 Numbers of the Administration Server SSL ports: '443' Numbers of the Administration Server ports: '80' Use proxy server: 0 Administration Server certificate: available Open UDP port: 1 Numbers of UDP ports: '15000' Profiles Profile name: 'INTERNO' Administration Server address: '' Use SSL: 1 Compress traffic: 1 Numbers of the Administration Server SSL ports: '443' Numbers of the Administration Server ports: '80' Use proxy server: 0 Switch to out-of-office mode: 0 Locations Location name: Regola INTERNO Profile to use: "INTERNO" Condition: DNS domain name resolvability, one of "" Synchronization interval (min): 15 Connection timeout (sec): 30 Send/receive timeout (sec): 180 Device ID: 02a93e39-5eef-4bb8-8072-f4251210e2db Location of update agents: ittop001.italy.itroot.adnet:13000 (SSL) ittop001.italy.itroot.adnet:14000 engtofs101:13000 (SSL) engtofs101:14000 Attempting to connect to Administration Server...OK Attempt to connect to the Network Agent...OK Network Agent is running Receiving the Network Agent statistical data...OK Network Agent statistical data: Total number of synchronization requests: 5 The number of successful synchronization requests: 5 Total number of synchronizations: 0 The number of successful synchronizations: 0 Date/time of the last request for synchronization:07/03/2019 15:17:19 GMT (07/03/2019 16:17:19) Deinitializing basic libraries...OK