Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2024 15:15 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: t Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 't%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: TANI MARCO TORNETTA LORELLA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2024 15:15 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: to Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'to%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: TORNETTA LORELLA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 09-01-2024 15:15 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: tor Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'tor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: TORNETTA LORELLA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-01-2024 07:13 Input to process - c: 7PQCL9HczZ Input to process - sstring: p Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7PQCL9HczZ' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Prova 2 Prova 2 Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-01-2024 07:13 Input to process - c: 7PQCL9HczZ Input to process - sstring: pr Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7PQCL9HczZ' AND Cognome LIKE 'pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Prova 2 Prova 2 Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: s Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 's%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: SORRENTINO RICCARDO STELLUTI RICCARDO SULPIZI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: sa Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'sa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: san Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'san%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: sant Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'sant%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: santi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'santi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: santin Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'santin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:08 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: santini Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'santini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:14 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: S Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: SANTINI ROBERTO SORRENTINO RICCARDO STELLUTI RICCARDO SULPIZI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-01-2024 13:14 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: SA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'SA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: SANTINI ROBERTO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24 Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD Input to process - sstring: spara Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'spara%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: sparacino alessio sparacino christian Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24 Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD Input to process - sstring: sparac Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparac%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: sparacino alessio sparacino christian Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24 Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD Input to process - sstring: sparaci Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparaci%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: sparacino alessio sparacino christian Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24 Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD Input to process - sstring: sparacin Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparacin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: sparacino alessio sparacino christian Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-01-2024 16:24 Input to process - c: jXkKz3kUQD Input to process - sstring: sparacino Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jXkKz3kUQD' AND Cognome LIKE 'sparacino%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: sparacino alessio sparacino christian Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: r Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'r%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: RAIO DIEGO MARIO Roussafi Moaad Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: ra Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'ra%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: RAIO DIEGO MARIO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: raio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'raio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: RAIO DIEGO MARIO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 15:02 Input to process - c: Gg1RxthH6a Input to process - sstring: raio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Gg1RxthH6a' AND Cognome LIKE 'raio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: RAIO DIEGO MARIO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: CE Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: CENTRACO DOMENICO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: CEN Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CEN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: CENTRACO DOMENICO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: CENT Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CENT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: CENTRACO DOMENICO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: CENTR Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CENTR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: CENTRACO DOMENICO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-01-2024 18:42 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: CENTRA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'CENTRA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: CENTRACO DOMENICO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 16-01-2024 10:18 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: E Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'E%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: EL Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'EL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: ELI Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'ELI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: Elisa.Barban Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'Elisa.Barban%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: EL Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'EL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: ELI Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'ELI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: EL Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'EL%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: E Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'E%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: B Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'B%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Barban Elisa Belleri Giulia Bianchi Umberto Borra Giulia Bozzato Emanuela Buceza Ermal Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: BA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Barban Elisa Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: BAR Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BAR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Barban Elisa Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: BARBA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BARBA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Barban Elisa Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 21-01-2024 14:44 Input to process - c: w5qJEnCXq3 Input to process - sstring: BARBAN Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='w5qJEnCXq3' AND Cognome LIKE 'BARBAN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Barban Elisa Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: S Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: SANTINI ROBERTO SORRENTINO RICCARDO STELLUTI RICCARDO SULPIZI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STR Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STRO Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROPP Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROPPA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROPP Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROP Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: ST Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ST%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STELLUTI RICCARDO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: S Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: SANTINI ROBERTO SORRENTINO RICCARDO STELLUTI RICCARDO SULPIZI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: L Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO LEZZERINI ANDREA LINCI GIANPAOLO LUNA DA SILVA JOSE GABRIEL Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: LA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:22 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: L Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO LEZZERINI ANDREA LINCI GIANPAOLO LUNA DA SILVA JOSE GABRIEL Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: L Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'L%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI ALESSANDRO LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO LEZZERINI ANDREA LINCI GIANPAOLO LUNA DA SILVA JOSE GABRIEL Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: LAT Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LAT%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI ALESSANDRO LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: LATI Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI ALESSANDRO LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: LATIN Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATIN%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI ALESSANDRO LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:32 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: LATINI Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'LATINI%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: LATINI ALESSANDRO LATINI DIEGO LATINI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: S Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'S%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: SANTINI ROBERTO SORRENTINO RICCARDO STELLUTI RICCARDO STROPPA EMANUELE SULPIZI FILIPPO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: ST Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'ST%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STELLUTI RICCARDO STROPPA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STR Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STR%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STROPPA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STRO Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STRO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STROPPA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROPP Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPP%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STROPPA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROPPA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STROPPA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 22-01-2024 18:39 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: STROPPA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'STROPPA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: STROPPA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33 Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM Input to process - sstring: P Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33 Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM Input to process - sstring: Pr Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33 Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM Input to process - sstring: Prov Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Prov%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 12:33 Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM Input to process - sstring: Prova Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 13:48 Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM Input to process - sstring: G Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'G%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Giampaoletti Gianni Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 25-01-2024 13:49 Input to process - c: 4QljgvrcvM Input to process - sstring: Giampaoletti Gianni Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='4QljgvrcvM' AND Cognome LIKE 'Giampaoletti Gianni%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:35 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: doda Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'doda%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:36 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: dod Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'dod%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:36 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: do Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:36 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: d Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DELPRIORI RICCARDO DELPRIORI IVAN Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: D Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DELPRIORI RICCARDO DELPRIORI IVAN DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: DO Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'DO%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: DOD Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'DOD%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 29-01-2024 18:43 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: DODA Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'DODA%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:07 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: f Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Fiorucci Fabrizio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:07 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: fa Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'fa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:08 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: f Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Fiorucci Fabrizio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:08 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: fa Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'fa%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:08 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: f Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Fiorucci Fabrizio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:09 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: Fiorucci Fabrizio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'Fiorucci Fabrizio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:09 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: f Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Fiorucci Fabrizio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:17 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: Fiorucci Fabrizio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'Fiorucci Fabrizio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 01-02-2024 11:17 Input to process - c: 1Khar2xDLi Input to process - sstring: a Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='1Khar2xDLi' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Agnoli Antonella Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: pr Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: prova prova Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: pro Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'pro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: prova prova Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prov Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prov%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: prova prova Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: prova prova Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: prova prova Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova p Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova pr Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova pr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova pro Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova pro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova prova Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova prova Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 05-02-2024 17:19 Input to process - c: 67jJ66WbBS Input to process - sstring: prova prova Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='67jJ66WbBS' AND Cognome LIKE 'prova prova%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 06-02-2024 12:31 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: b Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Balboni Federico Balboni Martina Benasi Viola Benasi Sofia Benelbachar Kawtar Bergamaschi Alice Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: be Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Benasi Viola Benasi Sofia Benelbachar Kawtar Bergamaschi Alice Bergamini Margherita BERGO ELISA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: bea Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'bea%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: be Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Benasi Viola Benasi Sofia Benelbachar Kawtar Bergamaschi Alice Bergamini Margherita BERGO ELISA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: bea Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'bea%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: beat Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'beat%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: beatr Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'beatr%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: beat Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'beat%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: bea Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'bea%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: be Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Benasi Viola Benasi Sofia Benelbachar Kawtar Bergamaschi Alice Bergamini Margherita BERGO ELISA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: b Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Balboni Federico Balboni Martina Benasi Viola Benasi Sofia Benelbachar Kawtar Bergamaschi Alice Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: m Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: MALAGOLI MARCO Malagoli Beatrice Malavasi Emy Malavasi Emy Mandello Aicha Mantovani Arianna Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-02-2024 17:01 Input to process - c: qs0vpq2Zoi Input to process - sstring: ma Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='qs0vpq2Zoi' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: MALAGOLI MARCO Malagoli Beatrice Malavasi Emy Malavasi Emy Mandello Aicha Mantovani Arianna Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-02-2024 21:58 Input to process - c: PGsMRdTQFe Input to process - sstring: gi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='PGsMRdTQFe' AND Cognome LIKE 'gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Gibertoni Emilia Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-02-2024 21:58 Input to process - c: PGsMRdTQFe Input to process - sstring: gi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='PGsMRdTQFe' AND Cognome LIKE 'gi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Gibertoni Emilia Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-02-2024 21:58 Input to process - c: PGsMRdTQFe Input to process - sstring: gib Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='PGsMRdTQFe' AND Cognome LIKE 'gib%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Gibertoni Emilia Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: p Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PALADINI MANUEL PALMUCCI GIULIO PEDUTO MATTEO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pe Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PEDUTO MATTEO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pez Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pez%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pezz Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pezze Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezze%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pezzett Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezzett%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:26 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pezzetta Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezzetta%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pezze Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezze%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pezz Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pezz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pez Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pez%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: pe Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'pe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PEDUTO MATTEO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:27 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: p Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PALADINI MANUEL PALMUCCI GIULIO PEDUTO MATTEO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:29 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: 5 Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE '5%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:29 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: 555555559 Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE '555555559%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:29 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: 555555559 Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE '555555559%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: P Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PALADINI MANUEL PALMUCCI GIULIO PEDUTO MATTEO PEZZETTA TIZIANO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: PE Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PE%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PEDUTO MATTEO PEZZETTA TIZIANO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: PEZ Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PEZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PEZZETTA TIZIANO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 19-02-2024 18:41 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: PEZZ Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'PEZZ%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: PEZZETTA TIZIANO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 20-02-2024 19:04 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 21-02-2024 06:02 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 21-02-2024 17:53 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 25-02-2024 12:23 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 29-02-2024 18:35 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: d Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'd%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DELPRIORI RICCARDO DELPRIORI IVAN DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: do Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'do%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: dod Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'dod%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-03-2024 07:19 Input to process - c: jmva3vgF4E Input to process - sstring: doda Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='jmva3vgF4E' AND Cognome LIKE 'doda%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: DODA EMANUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 10-03-2024 08:40 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 11-03-2024 20:50 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 11-03-2024 20:54 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 03:23 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47 Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6 Input to process - sstring: b Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: BAGOI BRENDON BARTOLONI NICCOLO' BARTOLONI LUDOVICO BARUNI LUIS BATTELINI LORENZO BELLI ANDREA Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47 Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6 Input to process - sstring: bi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'bi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: BIANCHI LUCA BIANGI ALEX BIONDI MARCO BIONDI DIEGO BIONDI TOMMASO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47 Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6 Input to process - sstring: bio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'bio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: BIONDI MARCO BIONDI DIEGO BIONDI TOMMASO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47 Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6 Input to process - sstring: bion Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'bion%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: BIONDI MARCO BIONDI DIEGO BIONDI TOMMASO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47 Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6 Input to process - sstring: biond Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'biond%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: BIONDI MARCO BIONDI DIEGO BIONDI TOMMASO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 12-03-2024 11:47 Input to process - c: OFYvsj91W6 Input to process - sstring: biondi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='OFYvsj91W6' AND Cognome LIKE 'biondi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: BIONDI MARCO BIONDI DIEGO BIONDI TOMMASO Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: D Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'D%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Da Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Da%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Dav Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Dav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: David Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'David%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davide Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davide Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davide P Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davide Pi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide Pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davide Pin Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide Pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Davide Pini Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Davide Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:15 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pini Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: P Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pin Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 11:16 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pini Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: P Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'P%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Pini Sergio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Pini Sergio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pin Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pin%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Pini Sergio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 18-03-2024 17:33 Input to process - c: wWIFkSCHK8 Input to process - sstring: Pini Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='wWIFkSCHK8' AND Cognome LIKE 'Pini%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pini Leonardo Pini Davide Pini Sergio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 26-03-2024 15:21 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 26-03-2024 21:56 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 26-03-2024 22:50 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 28-03-2024 05:30 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 28-03-2024 06:56 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: m Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: ma Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: mar Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:02 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: maripo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'maripo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: M Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Ma Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Mari Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mari%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Mario Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mario%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Mario Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mario%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Mari Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mari%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Mar Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Mar%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Ma Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: M Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'M%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: R Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'R%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Rossi Mario Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Ros Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ros%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Rossi Mario Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:03 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Ross Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Ross%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Rossi Mario Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: F Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Flav Flavio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Fl Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Fl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Flav Flavio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Flav Flavio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:05 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Flav Flavio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Flavio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav Flavio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Flavio Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav Flavio%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Fl Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav Fl%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav F Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav F%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Flav Flavio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 04-04-2024 14:06 Input to process - c: yMSMF7e4wo Input to process - sstring: Flav Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='yMSMF7e4wo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Flav%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Flav Flavio Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-04-2024 13:19 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 25-04-2024 18:20 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 27-04-2024 12:10 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 27-04-2024 18:49 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 29-04-2024 00:20 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 29-04-2024 00:36 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 29-04-2024 07:59 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:00 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: po Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Potenza Luigi Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:00 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: poten Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'poten%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Potenza Luigi Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:00 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: potenza Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'potenza%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Potenza Luigi Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: Potenza Luigi Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'Potenza Luigi%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: p Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'p%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Pasotti Andrea Potenza Luigi Primerano Simone Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: po Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'po%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Potenza Luigi Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:08 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: pot Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'pot%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Potenza Luigi Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: paolo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'paolo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: m Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Mori Paolo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: mo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'mo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Mori Paolo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: mor Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'mor%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Mori Paolo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-04-2024 14:09 Input to process - c: JKkP3wv5R3 Input to process - sstring: mori Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='JKkP3wv5R3' AND Cognome LIKE 'mori%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Mori Paolo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 02-05-2024 15:38 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 10-05-2024 00:03 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 10-05-2024 06:42 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 13-05-2024 06:32 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 13-05-2024 09:32 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 15-05-2024 20:16 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 17-05-2024 05:47 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 19-05-2024 09:19 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 22-05-2024 02:05 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 27-05-2024 20:00 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 28-05-2024 15:54 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 03-06-2024 00:31 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 04-06-2024 03:35 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 05-06-2024 02:09 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:58 Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL Input to process - sstring: w Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'w%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Willeit Christian Willeit Christian Willeit Francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59 Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL Input to process - sstring: wil Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'wil%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Willeit Christian Willeit Christian Willeit Francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59 Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL Input to process - sstring: wille Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'wille%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Willeit Christian Willeit Christian Willeit Francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59 Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL Input to process - sstring: willei Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'willei%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Willeit Christian Willeit Christian Willeit Francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 07-06-2024 20:59 Input to process - c: GHvFqbX6TL Input to process - sstring: willeit Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='GHvFqbX6TL' AND Cognome LIKE 'willeit%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Willeit Christian Willeit Christian Willeit Francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco willeit francesco Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 08-06-2024 04:31 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 09-06-2024 04:49 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 09-06-2024 21:46 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: f Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'f%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: FEOLA SAMUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: fe Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'fe%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: FEOLA SAMUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: feo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'feo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: FEOLA SAMUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: feol Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'feol%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: FEOLA SAMUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:24 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: feola Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'feola%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: FEOLA SAMUELE Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: m Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'm%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: ma Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'ma%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: man Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'man%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: manz Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manz%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: manzu Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzu%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: manzul Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzul%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: manzull Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzull%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 11-06-2024 00:29 Input to process - c: 87skjmakkF Input to process - sstring: manzullo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='87skjmakkF' AND Cognome LIKE 'manzullo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: manzullo lorenzo Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 14-06-2024 20:18 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 09:35 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: b Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Berloffa Alan Bortoli Laura Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: bo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'bo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Bortoli Laura Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: b Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Berloffa Alan Bortoli Laura Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:25 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: be Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'be%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Berloffa Alan Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: Berloffa Alan Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Berloffa Alan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: Berloffa Alan Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'Berloffa Alan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: b Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'b%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Berloffa Alan Bortoli Laura Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 10:36 Input to process - c: 7bMrnI3dJo Input to process - sstring: bo Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='7bMrnI3dJo' AND Cognome LIKE 'bo%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Bortoli Laura Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 15-06-2024 16:27 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 19-06-2024 10:06 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 19-06-2024 11:14 Input to process - c: G3qm9fKTCk Input to process - sstring: Chiagano Alessandro Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='G3qm9fKTCk' AND Cognome LIKE 'Chiagano Alessandro%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: a Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: ag Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'ag%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: a Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'a%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned no results Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: c Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'c%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Cavalli Gabriele Costa Carlo Alessandro Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: cava Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'cava%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Cavalli Gabriele Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: caval Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'caval%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Cavalli Gabriele Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 20-06-2024 19:06 Input to process - c: Ey71o3bj5c Input to process - sstring: cavall Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='Ey71o3bj5c' AND Cognome LIKE 'cavall%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Cavalli Gabriele Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 14:47 Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC Input to process - sstring: N Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'N%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Napoli Mariaelena Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 14:47 Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC Input to process - sstring: Napoli Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'Napoli%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Napoli Mariaelena Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 15:20 Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC Input to process - sstring: Dan Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'Dan%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Danese Katia Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 30-06-2024 15:51 Input to process - c: kfMYGsJ5BC Input to process - sstring: Danes Input to process - m: 1 Query to be executed: SELECT * FROM anagrafica WHERE CodiceCommunity='kfMYGsJ5BC' AND Cognome LIKE 'Danes%' AND Cancellato='N' ORDER BY Cognome ASC LIMIT 0,6 Query returned results, processing: Danese Katia Process terminated. Log file closed correctly Autocomplete server executed on 01-07-2024 06:40 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: Autocomplete server executed on 02-07-2024 22:43 Input to process - c: Input to process - sstring: Input to process - m: