Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-15:30 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202150211.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 35 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , `col26` VARCHAR(150) , `col27` VARCHAR(150) , `col28` VARCHAR(150) , `col29` VARCHAR(150) , `col30` VARCHAR(150) , `col31` VARCHAR(150) , `col32` VARCHAR(150) , `col33` VARCHAR(150) , `col34` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("Estrazione tesserati", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "Stato Nascita", "Luogo", "Comune Res.", "Provincia Res.", "Regione Res.", "Ripartizione Res.", "Indirizzo Res", "CAP Res.", "Luogo Res.", "telefono", "telefono", "fax", "cell.", "e-mail", "titolo studio", "Matricola", "", "Cod.Tessera", "Tipo Tessera", "Emessa il", "Scade il", "Qualifica", "Settore", "Specialita", "Disciplina Primaria", "Abilitazione Primaria"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "20/06/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "LENO", "BS", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "888122", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - D ", "Raffa", "D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "28/12/1943", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "", "", "Capergnanica", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA KENNEDY, 28", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "336892", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "22/09/1946", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA LEOPARDI 1", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "750665", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Presidente", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "0373244136", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "352549", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "0373244136", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "352549", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "04/07/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Salvirola", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "Via Marconi 6", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "892158", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2023", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "740921", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "740921", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "21/02/1975", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Ripalta Cremasca", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA ZELIOLI LANZINI 27", "26013", "RIPALTA CREMASCA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "384858", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "22/08/1947", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "", "", "Bagnolo Cremasco", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA GAETA 27", "26010", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "695257", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Izano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA REPUBBLICA, 66", "26010", "IZANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "404399", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Izano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA REPUBBLICA, 66", "26010", "IZANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "404399", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "28/04/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA MULINI 18", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "816075", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "417077", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "417077", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "22/12/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "CHIEVE", "CR", "", "", "Campagnola Cremasca", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CASCINA BONDENTA 6", "26010", "CAMPAGNOLA CREMASCA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "792375", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "26/06/1964", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BABBIONA", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "886808", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "08/10/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Montodine", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA GARIBALDI, 26", "26010", "MONTODINE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "445908", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "16/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA S.ROBATTO 7", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "469271", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Vice Presidente Societario", "Raffa ", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "23/03/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Capergnanica", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DE MAESTRI, 09", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "477658", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "31/05/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA C. URBINO 32/A", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "484344", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "13/03/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA PIACENZA, 103/B", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "3921376439", "", "", "", "", "485336", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("G. FRANCO", "VASSALLI", "05/08/1958", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "", "", "Madignano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA V. GIOVANNI XXIII, 2", "26020", "MADIGNANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "485748", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150211` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-15:31 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202150252.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 35 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , `col26` VARCHAR(150) , `col27` VARCHAR(150) , `col28` VARCHAR(150) , `col29` VARCHAR(150) , `col30` VARCHAR(150) , `col31` VARCHAR(150) , `col32` VARCHAR(150) , `col33` VARCHAR(150) , `col34` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("Estrazione tesserati", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "Stato Nascita", "Luogo", "Comune Res.", "Provincia Res.", "Regione Res.", "Ripartizione Res.", "Indirizzo Res", "CAP Res.", "Luogo Res.", "telefono", "telefono", "fax", "cell.", "e-mail", "titolo studio", "Matricola", "", "Cod.Tessera", "Tipo Tessera", "Emessa il", "Scade il", "Qualifica", "Settore", "Specialita", "Disciplina Primaria", "Abilitazione Primaria"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "20/06/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "LENO", "BS", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "888122", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - D ", "Raffa", "D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "28/12/1943", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "", "", "Capergnanica", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA KENNEDY, 28", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "336892", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "22/09/1946", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA LEOPARDI 1", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "750665", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Presidente", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "0373244136", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "352549", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "0373244136", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "352549", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "04/07/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Salvirola", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "Via Marconi 6", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "892158", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2023", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "740921", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "740921", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "21/02/1975", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Ripalta Cremasca", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA ZELIOLI LANZINI 27", "26013", "RIPALTA CREMASCA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "384858", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "22/08/1947", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "", "", "Bagnolo Cremasco", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA GAETA 27", "26010", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "695257", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Izano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA REPUBBLICA, 66", "26010", "IZANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "404399", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Izano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA REPUBBLICA, 66", "26010", "IZANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "404399", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "28/04/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA MULINI 18", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "816075", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "417077", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "417077", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "22/12/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "CHIEVE", "CR", "", "", "Campagnola Cremasca", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CASCINA BONDENTA 6", "26010", "CAMPAGNOLA CREMASCA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "792375", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "26/06/1964", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BABBIONA", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "886808", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "08/10/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Montodine", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA GARIBALDI, 26", "26010", "MONTODINE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "445908", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "16/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA S.ROBATTO 7", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "469271", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Vice Presidente Societario", "Raffa ", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "23/03/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Capergnanica", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DE MAESTRI, 09", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "477658", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "31/05/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA C. URBINO 32/A", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "484344", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "13/03/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA PIACENZA, 103/B", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "3921376439", "", "", "", "", "485336", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("G. FRANCO", "VASSALLI", "05/08/1958", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "", "", "Madignano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA V. GIOVANNI XXIII, 2", "26020", "MADIGNANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "485748", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202150252` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:13 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202150252.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 35 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , `col26` VARCHAR(150) , `col27` VARCHAR(150) , `col28` VARCHAR(150) , `col29` VARCHAR(150) , `col30` VARCHAR(150) , `col31` VARCHAR(150) , `col32` VARCHAR(150) , `col33` VARCHAR(150) , `col34` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("Estrazione tesserati", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "Stato Nascita", "Luogo", "Comune Res.", "Provincia Res.", "Regione Res.", "Ripartizione Res.", "Indirizzo Res", "CAP Res.", "Luogo Res.", "telefono", "telefono", "fax", "cell.", "e-mail", "titolo studio", "Matricola", "", "Cod.Tessera", "Tipo Tessera", "Emessa il", "Scade il", "Qualifica", "Settore", "Specialita", "Disciplina Primaria", "Abilitazione Primaria"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "20/06/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "LENO", "BS", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "888122", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - D ", "Raffa", "D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "28/12/1943", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "", "", "Capergnanica", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA KENNEDY, 28", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "336892", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "22/09/1946", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA LEOPARDI 1", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "750665", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Presidente", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "0373244136", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "352549", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "0373244136", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "352549", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "04/07/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Salvirola", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "Via Marconi 6", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "892158", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2023", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "740921", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "740921", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "21/02/1975", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Ripalta Cremasca", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA ZELIOLI LANZINI 27", "26013", "RIPALTA CREMASCA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "384858", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "22/08/1947", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "", "", "Bagnolo Cremasco", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA GAETA 27", "26010", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "695257", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Izano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA REPUBBLICA, 66", "26010", "IZANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "404399", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Izano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA REPUBBLICA, 66", "26010", "IZANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "404399", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "28/04/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA MULINI 18", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "816075", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "417077", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "417077", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Consigliere Societario", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "22/12/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "CHIEVE", "CR", "", "", "Campagnola Cremasca", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA CASCINA BONDENTA 6", "26010", "CAMPAGNOLA CREMASCA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "792375", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "26/06/1964", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA BABBIONA", "26010", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "886808", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - C ", "Raffa", "C"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "08/10/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Montodine", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA GARIBALDI, 26", "26010", "MONTODINE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "445908", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "16/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "", "", "Offanengo", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA S.ROBATTO 7", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "469271", "Dirigente", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Vice Presidente Societario", "Raffa ", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "23/03/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Capergnanica", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA DE MAESTRI, 09", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "477658", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "31/05/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA C. URBINO 32/A", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "484344", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "13/03/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "CREMA", "CR", "", "", "Crema", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA PIACENZA, 103/B", "26013", "CREMA", "", "", "", "3921376439", "", "", "", "", "485336", "Atleta", "01/01/2024", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` , `col26` , `col27` , `col28` , `col29` , `col30` , `col31` , `col32` , `col33` , `col34` ) VALUES ("G. FRANCO", "VASSALLI", "05/08/1958", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "", "", "Madignano", "Cremona", "Lombardia", "Nord-ovest", "VIA V. GIOVANNI XXIII, 2", "26020", "MADIGNANO", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "485748", "Atleta", "24/12/2023", "31/12/2024", "", "Senior", "Raffa - B ", "Raffa", "B"); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:14 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202160202.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 15 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("Estrazione tesserati", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Cellulare", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "Stato Nascita", "Regione Res.", "Ripartizione Res.", "Indirizzo Res", "cell."); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "20/06/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "3475525187", "LENO", "BS", "Crema", "VIA DOSSELLO", "26010", "", "Raffa D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "28/12/1943", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "Capergnanica", "VIA KENNEDY 28", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "22/09/1946", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "3338253531", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA LEOPARDI 1", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Presidente"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "3487252685", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Consigliere Societario"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "04/07/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "3426318978", "CREMA", "CR", "Salvirola", "Via Marconi 6", "26010", "", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "3485190612", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "21/02/1975", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "3391684410", "CREMA", "CR", "Ripalta Cremasca", "VIA ZELIOLI LANZINI 27", "26013", "RIPALTA CREMASCA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "22/08/1947", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "3478257906", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "Bagnolo Cremasco", "VIA GAETA 27", "26010", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "3358308903", "CREMA", "CR", "Izano", "VIA REPUBBLICA 66", "26010", "IZANO", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Izano", "VIA REPUBBLICA 66", "26010", "IZANO", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "28/04/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "3890262200", "CREMA", "CR", "Crema", "VIA MULINI 18", "26013", "CREMA", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "3394479556", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "22/12/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "3381207204", "CHIEVE", "CR", "Campagnola Cremasca", "VIA CASCINA BONDENTA 6", "26010", "CAMPAGNOLA CREMASCA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "26/06/1964", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "3484104813", "CREMA", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA BABBIONA", "26010", "", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "08/10/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Montodine", "VIA GARIBALDI 26", "26010", "MONTODINE", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "16/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA S.ROBATTO 7", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "23/03/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "3474469809", "CREMA", "CR", "Capergnanica", "VIA DE MAESTRI 09", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "31/05/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "3487540711", "CREMA", "CR", "Crema", "VIA C. URBINO 32/A", "26013", "CREMA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "13/03/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "3921376439", "CREMA", "CR", "Crema", "VIA PIACENZA 103/B", "26013", "CREMA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GFRANCO", "VASSALLI", "05/08/1958", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "3383685791", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "Madignano", "VIA V. GIOVANNI XXIII 2", "26020", "MADIGNANO", "Raffa B "); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:14 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160202` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "estrazione tesserati"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "hNrKudMASe"; Code for this custom field code : hNrKudMASe Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 1 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("hNrKudMASe","FwP3t3o0Qv","hNrKudMASe","1", "0", "1", "0","1","Estrazione tesserati"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "eCtGTg1fcQ"; Code for this custom field code : eCtGTg1fcQ Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 2 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("eCtGTg1fcQ","FwP3t3o0Qv","eCtGTg1fcQ","1", "0", "1", "0","2",""); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:15 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202160200.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 15 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("Estrazione tesserati", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Cellulare", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "Stato Nascita", "Regione Res.", "Ripartizione Res.", "Indirizzo Res", "cell."); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "20/06/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "3475525187", "LENO", "BS", "Crema", "VIA DOSSELLO", "26010", "", "Raffa D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "28/12/1943", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "Capergnanica", "VIA KENNEDY 28", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "22/09/1946", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "3338253531", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA LEOPARDI 1", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Presidente"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "3487252685", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA CARAVAGGI 11", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Consigliere Societario"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "04/07/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "3426318978", "CREMA", "CR", "Salvirola", "Via Marconi 6", "26010", "", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "3485190612", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA DOSSELLO 6", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "21/02/1975", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "3391684410", "CREMA", "CR", "Ripalta Cremasca", "VIA ZELIOLI LANZINI 27", "26013", "RIPALTA CREMASCA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "22/08/1947", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "3478257906", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "Bagnolo Cremasco", "VIA GAETA 27", "26010", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "3358308903", "CREMA", "CR", "Izano", "VIA REPUBBLICA 66", "26010", "IZANO", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Izano", "VIA REPUBBLICA 66", "26010", "IZANO", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "28/04/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "3890262200", "CREMA", "CR", "Crema", "VIA MULINI 18", "26013", "CREMA", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "3394479556", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA BUONARROTI 14", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "22/12/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "3381207204", "CHIEVE", "CR", "Campagnola Cremasca", "VIA CASCINA BONDENTA 6", "26010", "CAMPAGNOLA CREMASCA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "26/06/1964", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "3484104813", "CREMA", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA BABBIONA", "26010", "", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "08/10/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Montodine", "VIA GARIBALDI 26", "26010", "MONTODINE", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "16/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Offanengo", "VIA S.ROBATTO 7", "26010", "OFFANENGO", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "23/03/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "3474469809", "CREMA", "CR", "Capergnanica", "VIA DE MAESTRI 09", "26010", "CAPERGNANICA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "31/05/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "3487540711", "CREMA", "CR", "Crema", "VIA C. URBINO 32/A", "26013", "CREMA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "13/03/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "3921376439", "CREMA", "CR", "Crema", "VIA PIACENZA 103/B", "26013", "CREMA", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` ) VALUES ("GFRANCO", "VASSALLI", "05/08/1958", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "3383685791", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "Madignano", "VIA V. GIOVANNI XXIII 2", "26020", "MADIGNANO", "Raffa B "); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:16 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160200` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "estrazione tesserati"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:18 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202160250.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 11 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("Estrazione tesserati", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Cellulare", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "cell."); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "20/06/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "3475525187", "LENO", "BS", "Raffa D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "28/12/1943", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "22/09/1946", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "3338253531", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Presidente"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "3487252685", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "05/10/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Consigliere Societario"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "04/07/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "3426318978", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "3485190612", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "16/09/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "21/02/1975", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "3391684410", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "22/08/1947", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "3478257906", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "3358308903", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "04/02/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "28/04/1954", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "3890262200", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "3394479556", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "25/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "22/12/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "3381207204", "CHIEVE", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "26/06/1964", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "3484104813", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "08/10/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "16/03/1951", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "23/03/1960", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "3474469809", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "31/05/1961", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "3487540711", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "13/03/1972", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "3921376439", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GFRANCO", "VASSALLI", "05/08/1958", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "3383685791", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:18 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160250` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "estrazione tesserati"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = ""; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:27 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202160221.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 11 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160222` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:27 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/config/anagrafica240202160232.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 11 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("Nome", "Cognome", "Nato il", "Sesso", "Disabile", "Straniero", "Codice Fiscale", "Cellulare", "Comune Nascita", "Prov", "cell."); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "19600620", "M", "NO", "NO", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "393475525187", "LENO", "BS", "Raffa D"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "19431228", "M", "NO", "NO", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "", "CAPERGNANICA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "CASIRANI", "19460922", "M", "NO", "NO", "CSRPQL46P22G004A", "393338253531", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Presidente"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "19541005", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "393487252685", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ENNIO", "COTI ZELATI", "19541005", "M", "NO", "NO", "CTZNNE54R05G004I", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Consigliere Societario"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ERNESTO", "DOSSENA", "19600704", "M", "NO", "NO", "DSSRST60L04D142V", "393426318978", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "19540916", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "393485190612", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GIAN PIETRO", "GATTI", "19540916", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTGPT54P16G004Y", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PAOLO", "GATTI", "19750221", "M", "NO", "NO", "GTTPLA75B21D142Z", "393391684410", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASINETTI MARIO", "LUPO", "19470822", "M", "NO", "NO", "LPPMRA47M22A570A", "393478257906", "BAGNOLO CREMASCO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "19610204", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "393358308903", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("LUCA", "MACCALLI", "19610204", "M", "NO", "NO", "MCCLCU61B04D142U", "", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("MASSIMO", "MANCLOZZI", "19540428", "M", "NO", "NO", "MNCMSM54D28D142Z", "393890262200", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "19510325", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "393394479556", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("PASQUALE", "MELZI", "19510325", "M", "NO", "NO", "MLZPQL51C25G004E", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("EVARISTO", "PADOVANI", "19611222", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDVVST61T22C634E", "393381207204", "CHIEVE", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GIUSEPPE", "PERSICO", "19640626", "M", "NO", "NO", "PRSGPP64H26D142R", "393484104813", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("RICCARDO", "PODENZANA", "19721008", "M", "NO", "NO", "PDNRCR72R08D142T", "393483381526", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("SERGIO", "SEVERGNINI", "19510316", "M", "NO", "NO", "SVRSRG51C16G004U", "", "OFFANENGO", "CR", "Raffa C "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("AGOSTINO", "TESSADORI", "19600323", "M", "NO", "NO", "TSSGTN60C23D142O", "393474469809", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("LUCIO", "VALDAMERI", "19610531", "M", "NO", "NO", "VLDLCU61E31D142A", "393487540711", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("ANTONIO", "VANNUCCHI", "19720313", "M", "NO", "NO", "VNNNTN72C13D142X", "393921376439", "CREMA", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` ) VALUES ("GFRANCO", "VASSALLI", "19580805", "M", "NO", "NO", "VSSGFR58M05C115O", "393383685791", "CASTEL GABBIANO", "CR", "Raffa B "); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 02/02/2024-16:27 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "nato il"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "5A98wnQnm2"; Code for this custom field code : 5A98wnQnm2 Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 3 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("5A98wnQnm2","FwP3t3o0Qv","5A98wnQnm2","1", "0", "1", "0","3","Nato il"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "sesso"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "aZ9qi6hwOU"; Code for this custom field code : aZ9qi6hwOU Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 4 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("aZ9qi6hwOU","FwP3t3o0Qv","aZ9qi6hwOU","1", "0", "1", "0","4","Sesso"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "disabile"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "FmzJjZO0dX"; Code for this custom field code : FmzJjZO0dX Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 5 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("FmzJjZO0dX","FwP3t3o0Qv","FmzJjZO0dX","1", "0", "1", "0","5","Disabile"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "straniero"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "wWzYKlvR5I"; Code for this custom field code : wWzYKlvR5I Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 6 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("wWzYKlvR5I","FwP3t3o0Qv","wWzYKlvR5I","1", "0", "1", "0","6","Straniero"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "comune nascita"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "JnyPup65t4"; Code for this custom field code : JnyPup65t4 Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 7 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("JnyPup65t4","FwP3t3o0Qv","JnyPup65t4","1", "0", "1", "0","7","Comune Nascita"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "prov"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "VcvcHSoSDj"; Code for this custom field code : VcvcHSoSDj Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 8 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("VcvcHSoSDj","FwP3t3o0Qv","VcvcHSoSDj","1", "0", "1", "0","8","Prov"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" AND `labelText` = "cell."; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "gv5F44fzf4"; Code for this custom field code : gv5F44fzf4 Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "FwP3t3o0Qv" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 9 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("gv5F44fzf4","FwP3t3o0Qv","gv5F44fzf4","1", "0", "1", "0","9","cell."); 1 - Nome => Nome 2 - Cognome => Cognome 3 - Nato il => _5A98wnQnm2 4 - Sesso => _aZ9qi6hwOU 5 - Disabile => _FmzJjZO0dX 6 - Straniero => _wWzYKlvR5I 7 - Codice Fiscale => CodiceFiscale 8 - Cellulare => NumeroTelefono 9 - Comune Nascita => _JnyPup65t4 10 - Prov => _VcvcHSoSDj 11 - cell. => _gv5F44fzf4 Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240202160232` WHERE `id` > 1; Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Nome` , `Cognome` , `CodiceFiscale` , `NumeroTelefono` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("CESARE", "BADINI", "BDNCSR60H20E526T", "393475525187", "CESARE.BADINI", "FwP3t3o0Qv", "h8DHh15dbu", "0", "h8DHh15dbu", "10", "20240202162736", "20240202042736","importCsv"); 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*************** User CESARE.BADINI succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Nome` , `Cognome` , `CodiceFiscale` , `NumeroTelefono` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "", "ERMANNO.CARNITI", "FwP3t3o0Qv", "pPEVBrZGFv", "0", "pPEVBrZGFv", "10", "20240202162736", "20240202042736","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/FwP3t3o0Qv/usersfolders/ERMANNO.CARNITI Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("FwP3t3o0Qv", "ERMANNO.CARNITI", "5A98wnQnm2", "19431228"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Nome` , `Cognome` , `CodiceFiscale` , `NumeroTelefono` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("ERMANNO", "CARNITI", "CRNRNN43T28B650F", "", "ERMANNO.CARNITI", "FwP3t3o0Qv", "pPEVBrZGFv", "0", "pPEVBrZGFv", "10", "20240202162736", "20240202042736","importCsv"); 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*************** User GFRANCO.VASSALLI succesfully added to MioTeam *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed