Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-11:26 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/config/cartel1-prova240430110400.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 26 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4", "Column5", "Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17", "Column18", "Column19", "Column20", "Column21", "Column22", "Column23", "Column24", "Column25", "Column26"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Gruppo", "Cognome", "Nome", "Email", "Telefono", "Data di Nascita", "Luogo di Nascita", "Contatto 1", "Email 1", "Telefono 1", "Contatto 2", "Email 2", "Telefono 2", "Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Visita", "Data Scadenza Antitetanica", "Tipo Documento Identita", "Numero Documento Identita", "Data Scadenza Documento Identita", "Numero Tessera", "Data Scadenza Tessera", "Iscrizione Annuale", "Data Scadenza Iscrizione Annuale", "Indirizzo", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "19990402", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "", "20240212", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505717", "", "", "20230912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cavagna", "Manuel", "", "393662744856", "19971109", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CVGMNL97S09B157M", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505229", "", "", "20230911", "Via San Filippo Neri 45 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cocca", "Andrea", "", "393355248087", "19790812", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CCCNRP79M12B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505230", "", "", "20230911", "Via Cesare Scaluggia 44 25069 Villa Carcina (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "19971228", "Gavardo", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505231", "", "", "20230911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Donati", "Alessio", "", "393386591854", "19930411", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "DNTLSS93D11D918V", "", "20241006", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505378", "", "", "20230911", "Via XXV Aprile 21 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Giacomo", "", "393387046184", "19940405", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDGCM94D05B157Q", "", "20240221", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505237", "", "", "20230911", "Via Repubblica 12 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Riccardo", "", "393341615087", "19970817", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDRCR97M17B157Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505238", "", "", "20230911", "Via Sant'Andrea 98 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Graziotti", "Giulio", "", "393331561532", "19931027", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GRZGLI93R27B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02528398", "", "", "20231216", "Via Caselli 42 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Guagnetti", "Daniel", "", "393314464492", "20040130", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GGNDNL04A30D918Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505721", "", "", "20230912", "Via Renzo 10 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "19920612", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "", "20240216", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505239", "", "", "20230911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "19920206", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505241", "", "", "20230911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "19920223", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505243", "", "", "20230911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "19980609", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02504162", "", "", "20230907", "Via M. Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Raza", "Marco", "", "393286844822", "19930810", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "RZAMCF93M10D918O", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505244", "", "", "20230911", "Vicolo Fratte 5 25064 Gussago (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "19990331", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505722", "", "", "20230912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "19940408", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505247", "", "", "20230911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "19920617", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505248", "", "", "20230911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "19920803", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505251", "", "", "20230911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Zanetti", "Riccardo", "", "393334076239", "19920624", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ZNTRCR92H24D918C", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505255", "", "", "20230911", "Via Zanagnolo 2 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-11:26 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110400` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column1"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column2"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column3"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column4"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column5"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column6"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column7"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column8"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column9"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column10"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column11"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column12"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column13"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column14"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column15"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column16"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column17"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column18"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column19"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column20"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column21"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column22"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column23"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column24"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column25"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column26"; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-11:36 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/config/cartel1-prova240430110459.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 26 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4", "Column5", "Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17", "Column18", "Column19", "Column20", "Column21", "Column22", "Column23", "Column24", "Column25", "Column26"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Gruppo", "Cognome", "Nome", "Email", "Telefono", "Data di Nascita", "Luogo di Nascita", "Contatto 1", "Email 1", "Telefono 1", "Contatto 2", "Email 2", "Telefono 2", "Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Visita", "Data Scadenza Antitetanica", "Tipo Documento Identita", "Numero Documento Identita", "Data Scadenza Documento Identita", "Numero Tessera", "Data Scadenza Tessera", "Iscrizione Annuale", "Data Scadenza Iscrizione Annuale", "Indirizzo", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "19990402", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "", "20240212", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505717", "", "", "20230912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cavagna", "Manuel", "", "393662744856", "19971109", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CVGMNL97S09B157M", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505229", "", "", "20230911", "Via San Filippo Neri 45 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cocca", "Andrea", "", "393355248087", "19790812", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CCCNRP79M12B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505230", "", "", "20230911", "Via Cesare Scaluggia 44 25069 Villa Carcina (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "19971228", "Gavardo", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505231", "", "", "20230911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Donati", "Alessio", "", "393386591854", "19930411", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "DNTLSS93D11D918V", "", "20241006", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505378", "", "", "20230911", "Via XXV Aprile 21 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Giacomo", "", "393387046184", "19940405", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDGCM94D05B157Q", "", "20240221", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505237", "", "", "20230911", "Via Repubblica 12 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Riccardo", "", "393341615087", "19970817", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDRCR97M17B157Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505238", "", "", "20230911", "Via Sant'Andrea 98 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Graziotti", "Giulio", "", "393331561532", "19931027", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GRZGLI93R27B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02528398", "", "", "20231216", "Via Caselli 42 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Guagnetti", "Daniel", "", "393314464492", "20040130", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GGNDNL04A30D918Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505721", "", "", "20230912", "Via Renzo 10 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "19920612", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "", "20240216", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505239", "", "", "20230911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "19920206", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505241", "", "", "20230911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "19920223", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505243", "", "", "20230911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "19980609", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02504162", "", "", "20230907", "Via M. Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Raza", "Marco", "", "393286844822", "19930810", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "RZAMCF93M10D918O", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505244", "", "", "20230911", "Vicolo Fratte 5 25064 Gussago (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "19990331", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505722", "", "", "20230912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "19940408", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505247", "", "", "20230911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "19920617", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505248", "", "", "20230911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "19920803", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505251", "", "", "20230911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Zanetti", "Riccardo", "", "393334076239", "19920624", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ZNTRCR92H24D918C", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505255", "", "", "20230911", "Via Zanagnolo 2 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-11:37 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430110459` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column1"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column2"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column3"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column4"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column5"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column6"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column7"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column8"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column9"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column10"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column11"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column12"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column13"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column14"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column15"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column16"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column17"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column18"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column19"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column20"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column21"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column22"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column23"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column24"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column25"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column26"; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-12:47 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/config/cartel1-prova240430120410.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 26 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4", "Column5", "Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17", "Column18", "Column19", "Column20", "Column21", "Column22", "Column23", "Column24", "Column25", "Column26"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Gruppo", "Cognome", "Nome", "Email", "Telefono", "Data di Nascita", "Luogo di Nascita", "Contatto 1", "Email 1", "Telefono 1", "Contatto 2", "Email 2", "Telefono 2", "Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Visita", "Data Scadenza Antitetanica", "Tipo Documento Identita", "Numero Documento Identita", "Data Scadenza Documento Identita", "Numero Tessera", "Data Scadenza Tessera", "Iscrizione Annuale", "Data Scadenza Iscrizione Annuale", "Indirizzo", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "19990402", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "", "20240212", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505717", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cavagna", "Manuel", "", "393662744856", "19971109", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CVGMNL97S09B157M", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505229", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via San Filippo Neri 45 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cocca", "Andrea", "", "393355248087", "19790812", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CCCNRP79M12B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505230", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Cesare Scaluggia 44 25069 Villa Carcina (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "19971228", "Gavardo", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505231", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Donati", "Alessio", "", "393386591854", "19930411", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "DNTLSS93D11D918V", "", "20241006", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505378", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via XXV Aprile 21 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Giacomo", "", "393387046184", "19940405", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDGCM94D05B157Q", "", "20240221", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505237", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Repubblica 12 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Riccardo", "", "393341615087", "19970817", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDRCR97M17B157Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505238", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Sant'Andrea 98 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Graziotti", "Giulio", "", "393331561532", "19931027", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GRZGLI93R27B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02528398", "", "20231216", "20241216", "Via Caselli 42 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Guagnetti", "Daniel", "", "393314464492", "20040130", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GGNDNL04A30D918Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505721", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Renzo 10 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "19920612", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "", "20240216", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505239", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "19920206", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505241", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "19920223", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505243", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "19980609", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02504162", "", "20230907", "20240907", "Via M. Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Raza", "Marco", "", "393286844822", "19930810", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "RZAMCF93M10D918O", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505244", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Vicolo Fratte 5 25064 Gussago (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "19990331", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505722", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "19940408", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505247", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "19920617", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505248", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "19920803", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505251", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Zanetti", "Riccardo", "", "393334076239", "19920624", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ZNTRCR92H24D918C", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505255", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Zanagnolo 2 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-12:47 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120410` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column1"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column2"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column3"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column4"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column5"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column6"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column7"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column8"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column9"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column10"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column11"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column12"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column13"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column14"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column15"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column16"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column17"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column18"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column19"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column20"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column21"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column22"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column23"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column24"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column25"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column26"; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-12:49 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/config/cartel1-prova240430120409.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 26 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4", "Column5", "Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17", "Column18", "Column19", "Column20", "Column21", "Column22", "Column23", "Column24", "Column25", "Column26"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Gruppo", "Cognome", "Nome", "Email", "Telefono", "Data di Nascita", "Luogo di Nascita", "Contatto 1", "Email 1", "Telefono 1", "Contatto 2", "Email 2", "Telefono 2", "Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Visita", "Data Scadenza Antitetanica", "Tipo Documento Identita", "Numero Documento Identita", "Data Scadenza Documento Identita", "Numero Tessera", "Data Scadenza Tessera", "Iscrizione Annuale", "Data Scadenza Iscrizione Annuale", "Indirizzo", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "19990402", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "", "20240212", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505717", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cavagna", "Manuel", "", "393662744856", "19971109", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CVGMNL97S09B157M", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505229", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via San Filippo Neri 45 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cocca", "Andrea", "", "393355248087", "19790812", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CCCNRP79M12B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505230", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Cesare Scaluggia 44 25069 Villa Carcina (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "19971228", "Gavardo", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505231", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Donati", "Alessio", "", "393386591854", "19930411", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "DNTLSS93D11D918V", "", "20241006", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505378", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via XXV Aprile 21 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Giacomo", "", "393387046184", "19940405", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDGCM94D05B157Q", "", "20240221", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505237", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Repubblica 12 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Riccardo", "", "393341615087", "19970817", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDRCR97M17B157Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505238", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Sant'Andrea 98 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Graziotti", "Giulio", "", "393331561532", "19931027", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GRZGLI93R27B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02528398", "", "20231216", "20241216", "Via Caselli 42 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Guagnetti", "Daniel", "", "393314464492", "20040130", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GGNDNL04A30D918Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505721", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Renzo 10 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "19920612", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "", "20240216", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505239", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "19920206", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505241", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "19920223", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505243", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "19980609", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02504162", "", "20230907", "20240907", "Via M. Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Raza", "Marco", "", "393286844822", "19930810", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "RZAMCF93M10D918O", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505244", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Vicolo Fratte 5 25064 Gussago (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "19990331", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505722", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "19940408", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505247", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "19920617", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505248", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "19920803", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505251", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Zanetti", "Riccardo", "", "393334076239", "19920624", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ZNTRCR92H24D918C", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505255", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Zanagnolo 2 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-12:49 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120409` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column1"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column2"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column3"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column4"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column5"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column6"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column7"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column8"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column9"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column10"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column11"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column12"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column13"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column14"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column15"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column16"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column17"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column18"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column19"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column20"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column21"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column22"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column23"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column24"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column25"; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "column26"; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-12:51 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/config/cartel1-prova240430120402.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 26 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , `col1` VARCHAR(150) , `col2` VARCHAR(150) , `col3` VARCHAR(150) , `col4` VARCHAR(150) , `col5` VARCHAR(150) , `col6` VARCHAR(150) , `col7` VARCHAR(150) , `col8` VARCHAR(150) , `col9` VARCHAR(150) , `col10` VARCHAR(150) , `col11` VARCHAR(150) , `col12` VARCHAR(150) , `col13` VARCHAR(150) , `col14` VARCHAR(150) , `col15` VARCHAR(150) , `col16` VARCHAR(150) , `col17` VARCHAR(150) , `col18` VARCHAR(150) , `col19` VARCHAR(150) , `col20` VARCHAR(150) , `col21` VARCHAR(150) , `col22` VARCHAR(150) , `col23` VARCHAR(150) , `col24` VARCHAR(150) , `col25` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("Gruppo", "Cognome", "Nome", "Email", "Telefono", "Data di Nascita", "Luogo di Nascita", "Contatto 1", "Email 1", "Telefono 1", "Contatto 2", "Email 2", "Telefono 2", "Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale", "Data Scadenza Visita", "Data Scadenza Antitetanica", "Tipo Documento Identita", "Numero Documento Identita", "Data Scadenza Documento Identita", "Numero Tessera", "Data Scadenza Tessera", "Iscrizione Annuale", "Data Scadenza Iscrizione Annuale", "Indirizzo", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "19990402", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "", "20240212", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505717", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cavagna", "Manuel", "", "393662744856", "19971109", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CVGMNL97S09B157M", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505229", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via San Filippo Neri 45 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cocca", "Andrea", "", "393355248087", "19790812", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CCCNRP79M12B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505230", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Cesare Scaluggia 44 25069 Villa Carcina (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "19971228", "Gavardo", "", "", "", "", "", "", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505231", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Donati", "Alessio", "", "393386591854", "19930411", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "DNTLSS93D11D918V", "", "20241006", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505378", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via XXV Aprile 21 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Giacomo", "", "393387046184", "19940405", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDGCM94D05B157Q", "", "20240221", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505237", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Repubblica 12 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Ghidini", "Riccardo", "", "393341615087", "19970817", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GHDRCR97M17B157Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505238", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Sant'Andrea 98 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Graziotti", "Giulio", "", "393331561532", "19931027", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GRZGLI93R27B157R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02528398", "", "20231216", "20241216", "Via Caselli 42 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Guagnetti", "Daniel", "", "393314464492", "20040130", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "GGNDNL04A30D918Z", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505721", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Renzo 10 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "19920612", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "", "20240216", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505239", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "19920206", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505241", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "19920223", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505243", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "19980609", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02504162", "", "20230907", "20240907", "Via M. Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Raza", "Marco", "", "393286844822", "19930810", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "RZAMCF93M10D918O", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505244", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Vicolo Fratte 5 25064 Gussago (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "19990331", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505722", "", "20230912", "20240912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "19940408", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505247", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "19920617", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505248", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "19920803", "Brescia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505251", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402 (`col0` , `col1` , `col2` , `col3` , `col4` , `col5` , `col6` , `col7` , `col8` , `col9` , `col10` , `col11` , `col12` , `col13` , `col14` , `col15` , `col16` , `col17` , `col18` , `col19` , `col20` , `col21` , `col22` , `col23` , `col24` , `col25` ) VALUES ("", "Zanetti", "Riccardo", "", "393334076239", "19920624", "Gardone Val Trompia", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ZNTRCR92H24D918C", "", "", "", "", "", "", "AT-02505255", "", "20230911", "20240911", "Via Zanagnolo 2 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", ""); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 30/04/2024-12:51 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "data di nascita"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "0iSCUP6Q6P"; Code for this custom field code : 0iSCUP6Q6P Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 29 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("0iSCUP6Q6P","JKkP3wv5R3","0iSCUP6Q6P","1", "0", "1", "0","29","Data di Nascita"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "luogo di nascita"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "KtTXpRwBLZ"; Code for this custom field code : KtTXpRwBLZ Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 30 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("KtTXpRwBLZ","JKkP3wv5R3","KtTXpRwBLZ","1", "0", "1", "0","30","Luogo di Nascita"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "contatto 1"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "IHu1yt2gLB"; Code for this custom field code : IHu1yt2gLB Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 31 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("IHu1yt2gLB","JKkP3wv5R3","IHu1yt2gLB","1", "0", "1", "0","31","Contatto 1"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "email 1"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "0rcxBNUzdh"; Code for this custom field code : 0rcxBNUzdh Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 32 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("0rcxBNUzdh","JKkP3wv5R3","0rcxBNUzdh","1", "0", "1", "0","32","Email 1"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "telefono 1"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "oePN60gNvi"; Code for this custom field code : oePN60gNvi Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 33 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("oePN60gNvi","JKkP3wv5R3","oePN60gNvi","1", "0", "1", "0","33","Telefono 1"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "contatto 2"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "Lok9397gF5"; Code for this custom field code : Lok9397gF5 Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 34 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("Lok9397gF5","JKkP3wv5R3","Lok9397gF5","1", "0", "1", "0","34","Contatto 2"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "email 2"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "qYSLe4KNlV"; Code for this custom field code : qYSLe4KNlV Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 35 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("qYSLe4KNlV","JKkP3wv5R3","qYSLe4KNlV","1", "0", "1", "0","35","Email 2"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "telefono 2"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "ayae1SMQDW"; Code for this custom field code : ayae1SMQDW Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 36 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("ayae1SMQDW","JKkP3wv5R3","ayae1SMQDW","1", "0", "1", "0","36","Telefono 2"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "data scadenza codice fiscale"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "bGai4wovVH"; Code for this custom field code : bGai4wovVH Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 37 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("bGai4wovVH","JKkP3wv5R3","bGai4wovVH","1", "0", "1", "0","37","Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "data scadenza antitetanica"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "GLcteZGAsH"; Code for this custom field code : GLcteZGAsH Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 38 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("GLcteZGAsH","JKkP3wv5R3","GLcteZGAsH","1", "0", "1", "0","38","Data Scadenza Antitetanica"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "numero documento identita"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "nLfDaCvxte"; Code for this custom field code : nLfDaCvxte Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 39 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("nLfDaCvxte","JKkP3wv5R3","nLfDaCvxte","1", "0", "1", "0","39","Numero Documento Identita"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "numero tessera"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "2qZxLrDCxA"; Code for this custom field code : 2qZxLrDCxA Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 40 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("2qZxLrDCxA","JKkP3wv5R3","2qZxLrDCxA","1", "0", "1", "0","40","Numero Tessera"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = "iscrizione annuale"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "RqQQTbWmUt"; Code for this custom field code : RqQQTbWmUt Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 41 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("RqQQTbWmUt","JKkP3wv5R3","RqQQTbWmUt","1", "0", "1", "0","41","Iscrizione Annuale"); Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `labelText` = ""; 1 - Gruppo => |gruppo 2 - Cognome => Cognome 3 - Nome => Nome 4 - Email => Email 5 - Telefono => NumeroTelefono 6 - Data di Nascita => _0iSCUP6Q6P 7 - Luogo di Nascita => _KtTXpRwBLZ 8 - Contatto 1 => _IHu1yt2gLB 9 - Email 1 => _0rcxBNUzdh 10 - Telefono 1 => _oePN60gNvi 11 - Contatto 2 => _Lok9397gF5 12 - Email 2 => _qYSLe4KNlV 13 - Telefono 2 => _ayae1SMQDW 14 - Codice Fiscale => CodiceFiscale 15 - Data Scadenza Codice Fiscale => _bGai4wovVH 16 - Data Scadenza Visita => DataScadenzaVisita 17 - Data Scadenza Antitetanica => _GLcteZGAsH 18 - Tipo Documento Identita => TipoDocumentoIdentita 19 - Numero Documento Identita => _nLfDaCvxte 20 - Data Scadenza Documento Identita => DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita 21 - Numero Tessera => _2qZxLrDCxA 22 - Data Scadenza Tessera => DataScadenzaTessera 23 - Iscrizione Annuale => _RqQQTbWmUt 24 - Data Scadenza Iscrizione Annuale => DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale 25 - Indirizzo => Indirizzo 26 - => _5mH4XKhwI3 Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240430120402` WHERE `id` > 1; Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Lorenzo.Bazzani Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19990402"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "KtTXpRwBLZ", "Brescia"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "IHu1yt2gLB", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "0rcxBNUzdh", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "oePN60gNvi", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "Lok9397gF5", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "qYSLe4KNlV", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "ayae1SMQDW", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "bGai4wovVH", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "GLcteZGAsH", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "nLfDaCvxte", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "2qZxLrDCxA", "AT-02505717"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230912"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Bazzani", "Lorenzo", "", "393892673325", "BZZLNZ99D02B157N", "20240212", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Valbella 24 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Lorenzo.Bazzani", "JKkP3wv5R3", "XjZkfXePZz", "0", "XjZkfXePZz", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group: INSERT INTO `groups` (`CodiceCommunity`,`Nome`,`DataCreazione`,`UserID`,`Descrizione`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","","20240430125106","Lorenzo.Bazzani", ""); Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Lorenzo.Bazzani"); *************** User Lorenzo.Bazzani succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Cavagna", "Manuel", "", "393662744856", "CVGMNL97S09B157M", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via San Filippo Neri 45 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Manuel.Cavagna", "JKkP3wv5R3", "WwrlYikAi6", "0", "WwrlYikAi6", "10", "20240430125106", "20240430125106","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Manuel.Cavagna Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Manuel.Cavagna", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19971109"); 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INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", "Filippo.Cornacchiari", "JKkP3wv5R3", "iO7zcW5H7y", "0", "iO7zcW5H7y", "10", "20240430125107", "20240430125107","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Filippo.Cornacchiari", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Cornacchiari", "Filippo", "", "393347561409", "CRNFPP97T28D940B", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Strada Piana 24 25071 Agnosine (BS)", "Filippo.Cornacchiari", "JKkP3wv5R3", "iO7zcW5H7y", "0", "iO7zcW5H7y", "10", "20240430125107", "20240430125107","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Filippo.Cornacchiari"); *************** User Filippo.Cornacchiari succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Donati", "Alessio", "", "393386591854", "DNTLSS93D11D918V", "20241006", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via XXV Aprile 21 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Alessio.Donati", "JKkP3wv5R3", "mgm5nSsojU", "0", "mgm5nSsojU", "10", "20240430125107", "20240430125107","importCsv"); 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Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Nicola.Lena Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Nicola.Lena", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19920612"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "20240216", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Nicola.Lena", "JKkP3wv5R3", "uuhOWuc1vg", "0", "uuhOWuc1vg", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); 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INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "20240216", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Nicola.Lena", "JKkP3wv5R3", "uuhOWuc1vg", "0", "uuhOWuc1vg", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Nicola.Lena", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Lena", "Nicola", "", "393891449783", "LNENCL92H12B157U", "20240216", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Padre Bolognini 52 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Nicola.Lena", "JKkP3wv5R3", "uuhOWuc1vg", "0", "uuhOWuc1vg", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Nicola.Lena"); *************** User Nicola.Lena succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Paolo.Mori Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19920206"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "KtTXpRwBLZ", "Gardone Val Trompia"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "IHu1yt2gLB", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "0rcxBNUzdh", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "oePN60gNvi", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "Lok9397gF5", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "qYSLe4KNlV", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "ayae1SMQDW", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "bGai4wovVH", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "GLcteZGAsH", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "nLfDaCvxte", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "2qZxLrDCxA", "AT-02505241"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Paolo.Mori", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Mori", "Paolo", "", "393339227260", "MROPLA92B06D918R", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via D. Alighieri 28 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Paolo.Mori", "JKkP3wv5R3", "1pQtPBmq8N", "0", "1pQtPBmq8N", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Paolo.Mori"); *************** User Paolo.Mori succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Luigi.Potenza", "JKkP3wv5R3", "JGyygxLa8Y", "0", "JGyygxLa8Y", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Luigi.Potenza Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Luigi.Potenza", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19920223"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via V. Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Luigi.Potenza", "JKkP3wv5R3", "JGyygxLa8Y", "0", "JGyygxLa8Y", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Luigi.Potenza", "KtTXpRwBLZ", "Gardone Val Trompia"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via V. 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Montini 178 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Luigi.Potenza", "JKkP3wv5R3", "JGyygxLa8Y", "0", "JGyygxLa8Y", "10", "20240430125108", "20240430125108","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Luigi.Potenza", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Potenza", "Luigi", "", "393205529590", "PTNLGU92B23D918I", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via V. 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Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Simone.Primerano", "JKkP3wv5R3", "F2FfYO1UQp", "0", "F2FfYO1UQp", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Simone.Primerano", "2qZxLrDCxA", "AT-02504162"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240907", "Via M. Zanagnolo 25/S 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Simone.Primerano", "JKkP3wv5R3", "F2FfYO1UQp", "0", "F2FfYO1UQp", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Simone.Primerano", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230907"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Primerano", "Simone", "", "393804940271", "PRMSMN98H09B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240907", "Via M. 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Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Marco.Raza Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Marco.Raza", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19930810"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Raza", "Marco", "", "393286844822", "RZAMCF93M10D918O", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Vicolo Fratte 5 25064 Gussago (BS)", "Marco.Raza", "JKkP3wv5R3", "HGyfbZ3aXj", "0", "HGyfbZ3aXj", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Marco.Raza", "KtTXpRwBLZ", "Gardone Val Trompia"); 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Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Stefano.Sabiu", "2qZxLrDCxA", "AT-02505722"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Stefano.Sabiu", "JKkP3wv5R3", "uQgShjiSIz", "0", "uQgShjiSIz", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Stefano.Sabiu", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230912"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sabiu", "Stefano", "", "393313154966", "SBASFN99C31D918K", "", "", "", "", "20240912", "Via Maestro Zanagnolo 23 Z 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Stefano.Sabiu", "JKkP3wv5R3", "uQgShjiSIz", "0", "uQgShjiSIz", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Stefano.Sabiu"); *************** User Stefano.Sabiu succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Carlo.Sanzogni Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19940408"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "KtTXpRwBLZ", "Brescia"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. 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Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "GLcteZGAsH", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "nLfDaCvxte", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "2qZxLrDCxA", "AT-02505247"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Sanzogni", "Carlo", "", "393883214271", "SNZCRL94D08B157N", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via S. G. Battista 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Carlo.Sanzogni", "JKkP3wv5R3", "rt3Va1VIvT", "0", "rt3Va1VIvT", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Carlo.Sanzogni"); *************** User Carlo.Sanzogni succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "JKkP3wv5R3", "437DrsUIy6", "0", "437DrsUIy6", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Pierangelo.Tampalini Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19920617"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "JKkP3wv5R3", "437DrsUIy6", "0", "437DrsUIy6", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); 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Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "nLfDaCvxte", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "JKkP3wv5R3", "437DrsUIy6", "0", "437DrsUIy6", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "2qZxLrDCxA", "AT-02505248"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "JKkP3wv5R3", "437DrsUIy6", "0", "437DrsUIy6", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Tampalini", "Pierangelo", "", "393341118733", "TMPPNG92H17B157V", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via Caselli 75 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Pierangelo.Tampalini", "JKkP3wv5R3", "437DrsUIy6", "0", "437DrsUIy6", "10", "20240430125109", "20240430125109","importCsv"); Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Pierangelo.Tampalini"); *************** User Pierangelo.Tampalini succesfully added to MioTeam Query to add user to anagrafica: INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "JKkP3wv5R3", "NhZhgRbrU4", "0", "NhZhgRbrU4", "10", "20240430125110", "20240430125110","importCsv"); Tying to create the following directory: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/JKkP3wv5R3/usersfolders/Alberto.Vivenzi Directory succesfully created Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "0iSCUP6Q6P", "19920803"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "JKkP3wv5R3", "NhZhgRbrU4", "0", "NhZhgRbrU4", "10", "20240430125110", "20240430125110","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "KtTXpRwBLZ", "Brescia"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "JKkP3wv5R3", "NhZhgRbrU4", "0", "NhZhgRbrU4", "10", "20240430125110", "20240430125110","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "IHu1yt2gLB", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via G. Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "JKkP3wv5R3", "NhZhgRbrU4", "0", "NhZhgRbrU4", "10", "20240430125110", "20240430125110","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "0rcxBNUzdh", ""); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via G. 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Matteotti 67 25065 Lumezzane (BS)", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "JKkP3wv5R3", "NhZhgRbrU4", "0", "NhZhgRbrU4", "10", "20240430125110", "20240430125110","importCsv"); Query to add user to add custom field value: INSERT INTO `cfields_values` (`codiceCommunity`, `username`, `idField`, `value`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3", "Alberto.Vivenzi", "RqQQTbWmUt", "20230911"); INSERT INTO `anagrafica` (`Cognome` , `Nome` , `Email` , `NumeroTelefono` , `CodiceFiscale` , `DataScadenzaVisita` , `TipoDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaDocumentoIdentita` , `DataScadenzaTessera` , `DataScadenzaIscrizioneAnnuale` , `Indirizzo` , `UserID`, `CodiceCommunity`, `Password`, `PasswordEncoded`, `PasswordClear`, `TipoAccount`, `DataCreazione`, `DataUltimoAggiornamento`,`RiferitoDaID`) VALUES ("Vivenzi", "Alberto", "", "393336993319", "VVNLRT92M03B157E", "", "", "", "", "20240911", "Via G. 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Query to check if group exists: SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `CodiceCommunity` = "JKkP3wv5R3" AND `Nome` = ""; Query to create new group/user: INSERT INTO `groups_users` (`CodiceCommunity`,`GruppoID`,`UserID`) VALUES ("JKkP3wv5R3","3251","Riccardo.Zanetti"); *************** User Riccardo.Zanetti succesfully added to MioTeam *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed