Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 20/05/2024-16:24 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/yAesWKT2DI/config/lista-atleti-e-dirigenti-polisportiva-san-matroniano-92240520160525.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 1 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("POLISPORTIVA SAN MATRONI… / Membri"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("Membri"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("# Foto Genitore Cognome Nome Soprannome Impiego Azioni"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("1 BAINHERI MICHELE Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("2 CALORI FABIO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("3 CAPUTO LEONARDO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("4 CAPUTO FRANCO Amico"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("5 CRIOLLO NICHOLAS Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("6 D'ANIELLO MATTEO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("7 D.ANIELLO ENNIO Amico"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("8 FELICI ROLANDO ROL Allenator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("9 FLORIO DIEGO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("10 IANNUZZI GIUSEPPE Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("11 IVANOV MARTIN Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("12 MARZANO PIETRO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("13 MASSETTI PIERFRANCESCO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("14 MATELLINI MARCO Amico"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("15 MILESI EDOARDO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("16 MUNTYAN MARK Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("17 OLIVARI ANNA Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("18 ONETTI RICCARDO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("19 PEDRAZZETTI DANIELE PEDRO Allenator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("20 RAINOLDI SIMONE Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("Filtro : 20 1 2"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES ("Aiuto"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525 (`col0` ) VALUES (" "); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 20/05/2024-16:24 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160525` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "yAesWKT2DI" AND `labelText` = "polisportiva san matroni… / membri"; Query to check if custom field code already exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `id` = "2USh5ZQzoa"; Code for this custom field code : 2USh5ZQzoa Query to check last ycord in custom field: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "yAesWKT2DI" ORDER BY `fieldscom`.`ycord` DESC; ycord for this custom field: 1 Query to create new custom field: INSERT INTO `fieldscom` (`id`,`idCommunity`,`Name`,`typeControl`,`isMultiValues`,`nullable`,`isPrivate`,`ycord`,`labeltext`) VALUES ("2USh5ZQzoa","yAesWKT2DI","2USh5ZQzoa","1", "0", "1", "0","1","POLISPORTIVA SAN MATRONI… / Membri"); *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 20/05/2024-16:25 Open input file: /var/www/html/mioteamdata/communities/yAesWKT2DI/config/lista-atleti-e-dirigenti-polisportiva-san-matroniano-92240520160555.csv First line with columns header read Line contains 1 fiels Query to create the temporary table is: CREATE TABLE `mioteam`.`AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `col0` VARCHAR(150) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB; Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("POLISPORTIVA SAN MATRONI… / Membri"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("Membri"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("# Foto Genitore Cognome Nome Soprannome Impiego Azioni"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("1 BAINHERI MICHELE Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("2 CALORI FABIO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("3 CAPUTO LEONARDO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("4 CAPUTO FRANCO Amico"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("5 CRIOLLO NICHOLAS Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("6 D'ANIELLO MATTEO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("7 D.ANIELLO ENNIO Amico"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("8 FELICI ROLANDO ROL Allenator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("9 FLORIO DIEGO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("10 IANNUZZI GIUSEPPE Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("11 IVANOV MARTIN Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("12 MARZANO PIETRO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("13 MASSETTI PIERFRANCESCO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("14 MATELLINI MARCO Amico"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("15 MILESI EDOARDO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("16 MUNTYAN MARK Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("17 OLIVARI ANNA Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("18 ONETTI RICCARDO Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("19 PEDRAZZETTI DANIELE PEDRO Allenator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("20 RAINOLDI SIMONE Giocator"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("Filtro : 20 1 2"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (""); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES ("Aiuto"); Query to add one line to the DB: INSERT INTO AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555 (`col0` ) VALUES (" "); Query to get all temporary data: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555` ; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed Start admin_users_importcsv_2_step2 process on 20/05/2024-16:26 Query to get line with titles: SELECT * FROM `AA_TEMP_IMPORT_240520160555` WHERE `id` = 1; Query to check if custom field exists: SELECT * FROM `fieldscom` WHERE `idCommunity` = "yAesWKT2DI" AND `labelText` = "polisportiva san matroni… / membri"; *************** All done!!! Import successfully Completed