Start smsreveive_engine process on 29/05/2024-00:06 Now connecting to the DB... Properly connected to the DB Session DB: mioteam ************************** SMS Received Sender: Receiver: Text: Encoding: Date: Time: Timestamp: SmsType: ************************** Ho isolato Cod - testo rimanente del messaggio: ## Processing terminated on 29/05/2024-00:06 Start smsreveive_engine process on 29/05/2024-02:18 Now connecting to the DB... Properly connected to the DB Session DB: mioteam ************************** SMS Received Sender: Receiver: Text: Encoding: Date: Time: Timestamp: SmsType: ************************** Query ricerca utente: SELECT * FROM anagrafica where CodiceCommunity='' and NumeroTelefono='' User found in DB: Event created in wall! Processing terminated on 29/05/2024-02:18 Start smsreveive_engine process on 29/05/2024-10:40 Now connecting to the DB... Properly connected to the DB Session DB: mioteam ************************** SMS Received Entire Post:Array ( ) Sender: Receiver: Text: Encoding: Date: Time: Timestamp: SmsType: ************************** Ho isolato Cod - testo rimanente del messaggio: ## Processing terminated on 29/05/2024-10:40